Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation

Transform the way you manage Microsoft CSP subscriptions and billing with
TotalOne’s automation platform.

Say goodbye to manual Subscription Management, Product Pricing, and Billing complexities!

Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform

Empower Your Business with Our Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform

Cutting-edge solution for Microsoft Cloud Solution Providers (CSP) is designed to elevate your business to new heights of efficiency and productivity.

Our Smart Automation:

  • Seamlessly handles subscription provisioning, updates, and renewals, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date
  • Simplifies invoicing, tracking, and payments, saving you time and eliminating the risk of errors.

Discover the exceptional performance and absolutely stunning User Interface of TotalOne platform.

We have the perfect solution waiting just for you:

Microsoft CSP Distributors

Indirect CSP Resellers

Direct CSP Resellers

Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform Modules

Mix and match features, integrate with third-party services based on your needs and expand to new markets effortlessly.

B2B Marketplace for CSP Resellers

with Customer Self-Service and amazing Storefront

Total One has reinvented how you and your customers order and manage Microsoft subscriptions and licenses. Navigate and solve complex B2B tasks effortlessly – just like you browse through your favorite consumer apps! 
Our user-friendly design is as inviting as it is intuitive. And it is lightning fast!

As a seller, you enjoy tailoring the appearance and product selection of your Marketplace.
Your customers will be delighted with straight-forward features and independence in managing own purchases. This help streamline the subscription management and billing automation process, aligning perfectly with the needs of modern businesses seeking efficient cloud business solutions.

Product Information Management (PIM)

Augment and enhance the product information you receive from Microsoft with your own marketing materials. Manage product attributes, descriptions, images and other multimedia. Ensure consistency and accuracy across all sales channels.

Merge different vendor offers
into a single product and allow your customers to easily select the product variant that perfectly suits their needs.

Sales Price List Automation

Your customers will see offers and prices that have been curated just for them. TotalOne automatically runs product pricing allocations following your pricing strategies. Through the easy-to-use interface, your sales team can effortlessly craft multiple sales price lists tailored for various areas of application and validity periods.

These price lists can be created based on supplier product lists and enhanced with your own custom offers.

Our automated system allows you to schedule recurring update of sales pricelists, ensuring they reflect the latest changes in the supplier product lists.





Automatic Update of Microsoft CSP Product Lists

In this dynamic landscape of B2B, TotalOne simplifies the management of Microsoft CSP product lists, ensuring they are always current.

Imagine, 10,000s of supplier products automatically imported and regularly updated, overcoming diverse file formats (APIs, xlsx, csv, txt, xml, Json), mapping issues, duplicates, etc. We handle it all.

We also ensure that your Sales Price Lists remain seamlessly aligned, following the synchronization schedule you establish. Your peace of mind, our priority.

Order Management and Automated Delivery

Elevate your Microsoft CSP operation with our advanced order and fulfillment of licenses and subscriptions.

Entirely hands-free. From license acquisition to subscription fulfillment, the process is intuitive and well-thought-through. Smart data visualization supports informed purchase decisions. Real-time updates provide insights into the customer order status, inventory details, and supplier orders.

Our flexible system can handle immediate or scheduled delivery. The order process is enhanced by Approval Workflow and notifications for an enjoyable hassle-free customer journey.

Microsoft CSP Subscription and Contract Management

Streamline the management of Microsoft CSP subscriptions and contract management with a centralized interface.

View key subscription KPIs, such as status, pricing details, commitment, billing cycle, trial period, etc., at a glance. Track subscription trends and know when which subscriptions are due for renewal.

Take immediate actions or schedule an order, suspension, renewal, conversion, cancellation of Microsoft CSP subscriptions:

Microsoft Azure – Microsoft Azure Plan – Office 365 – Microsoft 365 NCE (New Commerce Experience) – Azure Reservations – Azure RI (Reserved Instances) – Software – Perpetual Software – Marketplace

Microsoft CSP License Management

Order, update and track licenses with great efficiency.

Get quick access to key information about license availability, assignments, expiration dates, etc.

Without effort assign licenses at will to users, groups and devices.

Business Partner Management

Enjoy a comprehensive overview of your Business Partners: Suppliers, Resellers, End Customers, Vendors.

Easily create new customers and synchronize  them with Microsoft Partner Center as well as other vendor platforms, your ERP and CRM systems.

Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform

TotalOne offers automated billing and invoicing solutions even for the most demanding enterprise-level Microsoft CSP management.

The platform supports various billing models: one-time, recurring, seat-based, usage-based and hybrid.
It covers multiple currencies, sales taxes and languages.

All nuances of Microsoft CSP billing, such as refunds, pro-rated charges, Partner Earned Credits (PEC), promotion offers, are covered.

The billing process is reinforced by real-time statistics dashboard to give you maximum transparency and flexibility.

Contact us now  to confirm how we can automate your exceptional billing instances.

Integration with Accounting and ERP Services

Our Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform is designed to universally support integration with all major ERP, CRM, ITSM and Accounting software vendors, including, but not limited to:

All product names, brands, logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners

We can integrate with any commercially available system.

We are proud to deliver unparalleled PERFORMANCE to both you and your customers.
Let it speak for itself!

Contact Us Now and see how it flies.

Statistics and Reporting

Uncover insights on your business with instant, tailored statistics.

Get comprehensive overview on revenue, profitability, inventory, business partner network, etc. And then break down these indicators by product, business partner, market, subscription, etc.

Provide business insights to your customers for their own progress and development.

Approval Workflow Automation


Successful B2B transactions require varying levels of approval.
To ensure accountability and compliance, TotalOne provides approval workflows with very simple setup and management.

For more efficiency, you can use an elegant automation solution where automated approval requests and notifications are based on user roles and business rules.

Approvers still retain power over exceptional cases, providing a seamless balance between speed and thorough control.

Permissions, Roles and Audit Service

Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform

Get full control over user access and activities within your cloud business environment.
Customized user experience is empowered by Microsoft Entra ID and Single Sign-On approach (SSO). Microsoft Granular Delegated Admin Permissions (GDAP) are integrated into the general Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution.

Every action on our Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform is audited. Any activity source and impact can be identified and tracked to enhance manageability and accountability.

API Service

TotalOne is REST API-based. Every action can be integrated with any low-code or no-code services and functionalities available in the market. This flexibility maximizes your automation capabilities, opening up endless possibilities for enhancing your CSP subscription management and billing automation processes.

Chat and Support Integration for End Customers

TotalOne provides an effective Support Service that promptly delivers assistance to users, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction. You can also integrate your preferred support tool with our Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation Platform.

Automatic Product Import and Synchronization with Partner Center

Every day Microsoft adds and updates hundreds of products and prices. TotalOne takes care of those changes for you. Our award-winning data-mapping solution automates the process of updating products and ensures that all ambiguities are detected and eliminated. No database skills needed. Frequent synchronization with Microsoft Partner Center guarantees real-time data update platform-wide. Users see the most recent changes instantly.


We offer multiple hosting options depending on your requirements: from fully-managed SaaS to custom hosting. TotalOne scales vertically and horizontally automatically on-premise to the major cloud vendor, for up to 100 million products and up to 5 million concurrent users. Our CSP automation hosting is currently available in the following regions: North America - West Europe - Middle East - Australia. We are continuously expanding to new regions to support your cloud business growth.

Complex made Simple!

Do you bill 1,000+ line items and 100+ orders each month?

FAQ Microsoft CSP Billing and Automation

How does TotalOne streamline Microsoft CSP subscription and billing automation?

TotalOne revolutionizes Microsoft CSP subscription management and billing automation by offering a comprehensive platform that automates provisioning, updates, renewals, and invoicing. Our system supports various billing models and integrates seamlessly with major ERP and CRM systems, ensuring operational efficiency and accuracy. 

Can TotalOne integrate with existing ERP and CRM systems for enhanced cloud business management?

Yes, TotalOne is designed for seamless integration with existing ERP and CRM systems, leveraging REST API-based connectivity. This integration facilitates smooth data flow and enhances cloud business management by enabling automated billing, subscription management, and customer engagement across platforms.

What unique features does TotalOne offer for managing Microsoft CSP product information and pricing?

TotalOne provides an advanced Product Information Management (PIM) system and sales price list automation, ensuring up-to-date and accurate product information and tailored pricing strategies. Our platform automatically updates sales price lists and product catalogs, offering flexibility and precision in cloud marketplace offerings. 

How does TotalOne ensure compliance and scalability for CSP partners?

TotalOne is built with compliance and scalability at its core, supporting GDPR and other regulatory standards while offering a scalable solution that grows with your business. Whether you’re a startup or an enterprise, our platform adapts to your evolving needs without compromising on efficiency or compliance.

What makes TotalOne's customer support and self-service features stand out for CSP resellers?

TotalOne enhances customer engagement through an integrated chat and support system, providing end customers with immediate assistance and self-service capabilities. This improves customer satisfaction and empowers resellers with tools for better service management and customer interaction. 

How does TotalOne facilitate efficient order management and delivery for Microsoft CSP products?

Our platform automates the entire order management and delivery process, from license provisioning to subscription fulfillment. With features like approval workflow automation and real-time updates, TotalOne ensures a hassle-free experience for both CSP resellers and their customers, streamlining cloud service transactions.

What hosting options does TotalOne offer for Microsoft CSP automation, and how does it support global operations?

TotalOne offers flexible hosting solutions, from fully managed SaaS to custom hosting configurations, designed to scale automatically and support up to 5 million concurrent users. With hosting available in regions like North America, West Europe, the Middle East, and Australia, we’re equipped to support CSP partners’ global operations and ready to expand into new markets.

Can TotalOne handle different billing models?

Absolutely, TotalOne is equipped to support a variety of billing models tailored to the diverse needs of Microsoft CSP partners. Our platform accommodates one-time, recurring, seat-based, usage-based, and hybrid billing models, across multiple currencies and languages. This flexibility ensures that CSP resellers can offer customized billing solutions to their customers, enhancing the overall efficiency and adaptability of their cloud service offerings.